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Illuminate your entire attack surface

The attack surface of an organization encompasses all IT assets exposed to potential attackers. This includes digital assets that are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, and whether they are actively used or dormant. It also covers assets regardless of the awareness of IT or security teams

Attack Surface Assessment

Attack Surface Assessment

An Attack Surface Assessment gives you a  holistic view of your entire asset ecosystem.

Attack Surface Assessment involves aggregating and understanding data across your entire digital footprint. While cloud infrastructure is a significant attack vector, it is just one part of a modern organization’s total attack surface. It's crucial to explore all cyber assets, as they collectively form the building blocks of your attack surface.


Key Challenges of Attack Surface Assessments

Assessing an organization's attack surface involves handling dynamic environments.

An organization’s attack surface changes continuously over time, and includes digital assets that are on-premises, in the cloud, and in subsidiary networks, as well as those in third-party vendors' environments. Due to this complex web, cyber asset attack surface assessments tools are becoming more critical.

Dynamic and Expanding Attack Surfaces

Dynamic and Expanding Attack Surfaces

As organizations adopt new technologies, the volume and variety of assets requiring management and security are expanding. This includes cloud services, IoT devices, remote workforces, and third-party integrations. Each of these introduces new vulnerabilities and adds complexity to the overall security landscape

Proliferation of External Attack Surfaces

Proliferation of External Attack Surfaces

An organization's external attack surface encompasses all internet-accessible IT assets, including websites, web applications, cloud services, exposed APIs, remote access points, and email systems. As businesses shift more operations online and to the cloud, this attack surface grows, introducing new vulnerabilities for cybercriminals to exploit.

Discovery of Unknown Assets

Discovery of Unknown Assets

Unknown IT assets, including unauthorized cloud services or applications (known as Shadow IT), are often added to networks without proper oversight or documentation. These assets increase organizational risk as they may bypass regular security policies and practices

Rapid Change and New Vulnerabilities

Rapid Technological Change & New Vulnerabilities

New technologies bring new vulnerabilities, and attackers continually evolve their tactics to exploit these weaknesses. Organizations must stay ahead in this arms race by continuously updating their ASM processes and tools to detect and mitigate these emerging threats

Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Posture with Securicom's Comprehensive Attack Surface Assessment

Over 70% of organizations miss the mark on prioritizing attack surface management, leaving them vulnerable.


Securicom’s Attack Surface Assessment helps you flip the script:


  • Identify Critical Vulnerabilities

  • Allocate Budget Efficiently

  • Defend Proactively


Ask yourself:  "Why should we prioritize our cybersecurity budget towards an Attack Surface Assessment to effectively manage and mitigate the critical vulnerabilities identified? "

Enhance your digital security today!

Value Proposition:

Blurry Lights
Dark Steel Sheet

Assess my Attack Surface!

Need assistance?

Connect with us to schedule an introductory call with a Securicom team member and learn how our Attack Surface Assessment can benefit your organization.


 1 (469) 607-8421

+27 87 944 6277

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